Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Limousine Liberal Faux Pas Runs Amok!

Poor ole Al Gore. He can't catch a break! He no more than hosts the "Live Earth" concerts that nobody watched while celebrities piled on 225,000 noxious fume producing, carbon footed air miles to participate, but now bless his liberal, tree hugging heart --- it seems that this weekend at the Wedding Dinner he hosted for his daughter's marriage in Beverly Hills, the entree was Chilean Sea Bass ---- Numero Uno on the World's "Humane Society Internationale" endangered species list. We of the great unwashed might call these Patagonian Toothfish, but the HSI knows better!
Shame Shame -- they could've eaten (corn deprived for ethanol purposes) all American Beef and caused less consternation among their fellow Greenies! The guy just can't catch a break! Next thing you know, his SUV or Limo, driven by his lead footed son (III'rd) will run over a spotted owl as it's being eaten by a bald eagle in the middle of the road!

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