Sunday, July 27, 2014

The two most common political thoughts published this week........

...... are:

1. Obamanation is plumb t'ard of being POTUS... is bored, and just wants to move on and, like the Clintons. get rich as Midas -- let the taxpayers pay the mortgage payment on his new castle in Rancho Mirage, California by renting a small house on the property at some exorbitant rent to house his Secret Service contingent. And spend the rest of his life with armed guards and door men paid for by the unwashed taxpayers.


2. His administration is the first White House administration in American history to appear to be soliciting (inviting?) impeachment proceedings by the Congress..   With Dingy Harry Reid in his pocket, he has no fear that an actual impeachment trial will ever be held in the Senate - much less a guilty verdict...

But apparently his handlers believe that they can best roust the millions of low information liberal voters in November by getting them to rally against impeachment. Thus turning what looks to be a Dimmocrat Disaster into a Republican fizzle!   The GOP has been known to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory before -- so maybe they can be pushed down that chute again....

I hope not!!!

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