Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What difference a century makes.....

At the beginning of the 20th Century, soon to be President, Theodore Roosevelt picked up on an expression that he heard while traveling through Africa....  "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Meaning of course, that when dealing with other countries, we should talk softly with them, but let it be known that we have the ability to be as forceful as we need to be.

Now, here in the beginning of the 21st Century, we have a half Kenyan President who not only obviously doesn't understand the wisdom of Roosevelt's adage --  he flies in it's face!  Loudly daring the Syrian king to cross 'that red line' at his own peril..... while totally ignorant of the fact that this Congress and this Country and these Americans have neither interest, nor inclination to get involved in another boots on the ground war in the Middle East.

Shame on him (again)!

Valerie! George! Emmanuel!  What do I do now????

Monday, April 29, 2013

Change of pace ..... here is a space riddle for you .....

Two young 10th graders from Nova Scotia developed a hypothesis regarding  what would happen if you tried to ring all the water out of a wash cloth in the zero gravity of outer space. Their question won in a contest and the experiment was conducted on the International Space Station.

What do you think the effect would be?
A. The water would scatter in droplets and float through space.
B. The water would fall to the cabin floor.
C. The water would stick to the washcloth surface.
D. Nothing, the water would remain in the washcloth

Now that you have firmed up your choice of an answer, watch the video.

Okay, the kids were right, they hypothesized that the water would stick to the surface of the washcloth.

I was wrong, I guessed that the water would scatter in droplets all over the cabin.

What did you guess?  I'll admit, I was mesmerized by his floating microphone more than I was by the washcloth......

BTW folks, this was posted on You Tube, April 16th, just 13 days ago --- and has already had almost 7 million hits! Who said we are all tired of space travel discussions?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Another great 'sequester' cartoon - sorry folks, I just had to post it!

The good news is, the good folks of this country are catching on! At least those that can read, write and switch their TV channels off of MTV, O and MSNBC (or is that redundant)!

Best 'Letter to the Editor of the Week" .... and the shortest.....

The wisdom of Middle America!!   A letter written to the Peoria Star Journal:

"A pen in the hand of this president is far more dangerous than a gun in the hands of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

Camille Sanchez

There, my friends, is a lady with wisdom and common sense!!

(Thanx and a Tip O' the Stetson to my pal Al in the Peoples Republic of Maryland)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Twinkie Lovers...............REJOICE!!

The Dolly Madison Baker, bakers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Ho Hos  will be reopening in July of this year......    Yes, Pilgrims once again, your 7/11's shelves will be filled with the breakfast or lunch of champeeeens!   Twinkies -- you will live forever --- they do! 

But nobody will be happier than................

I know they feel the pain --- I just hope they know the cause.....

Can't you just feel the love?????

Washington Post and AP outdo themselve...............

............ and take political blindness correction to a new level!

Reporting that an Iranian nutcase escaped from Paris psychiatric institution,  attacked a Rabbi and his son (both in skullcaps) in a Paris synagogue ....... cutting their throats with a box-cutter....  It was also reported that he screamed "Allah-u-Akbar" as he attacked..

They added, "...an official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive..."   

I reckon that earns the big 'DUH!" award for this week, Pilgrims!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Some random thoughts on Obamanation bashing America over the head as he sulks about 'sequester' --- his own idea!

It is interesting to note that as our fearless leader continues his petulant, 'lay on the floor, hold his breath, kick his feet' tirade over the imposition over 'Sequester', his own program - how he has managed to use it as a tool to punish America.....

- No White House tours for kids from across America -- but the Obama's celebrity parties rock and roll the nights away.

- Airports across the nation are hit with delays caused by air traffic controller furloughs, but apparently, those in the Washington DC area remain untouched by furloughs or delays. 

-  No furloughs imposed on gob'mint personnel implementing Obamacare programs.

-  Enough - you get the picture......  

Although all we are talking about is a small decrease in the annual INCREASE in the Federal Budget ---  we are being bludgeoned over the head with it...   With a $3.7 trillion dollar annual budget (one billion of which is borrowed) we are talking about $100 Billion....  in cuts to the increase......    If you are an average taxpayer making $4000 per month, your taxes just went up in January more in comparison than the 1/37th cut that the Feds are living with...

Can you say -- wholesale chicanery, Partners?  At the highest level of our gob'mint? as in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? 


The use of trickery to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose.

Do you wonder why some States are broke and others enjoy a budget surplus?

The Governor of California, Jerry Brown, is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor's dog, then bites the Governor.

1. The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie "Bambi," and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.

2. He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

3. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.

4. The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and getting his bite wound bandaged.

5. The running trail is shut down for 6 months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.

6. The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a "coyote awareness program" for residents of the area.

7. The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

8. The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The State spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training regarding the nature of coyotes.

9. PETA protests the coyote's relocation and files a $5 million suit against the State.

TEXAS:The Governor of Texas. Rick Perry, is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

1. The Governor shoots the coyote with his State-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent $0.25 on a .45 ACP hollow point cartridge.

2. The Buzzards eat the dead coyote.

And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Give me an 'effen' break!!

Here I was -- ready to defend the heroism of the fire fighters of this country ---  you know-- the 'first attenders'!  LOL

And today I read that they are (as a group) suing the makers of Fire Trucks because..... their firetruck sirens are too loud..

Give me a break -- I spent years with Air Force radio headphones on  --- my hearing now suffers.... I ask neither the Air Force, nor God, nor the Veteran's Administration for some kind of recourse...  

Like the bumper sticker says, "Shit Happens"!

I am not sure if the problem is:

We have too many 'victims', or

We have too many 'tort lawyers'!!!

What do you think?

Eye opening educational success vs spending visual!

We often (heck - everyday) we hear the arguments for and against more education spending in this country.  While I think that it has as much to do with attitudes in the homes (especially the single parent homes) as it does the teachers -- I think this very clear graphic shouts one fact well:  Money alone does not predict success in the schools!

Hmm, now when was it that the Department of Education was created? Seems like the old HEW Department  was not only more effective, but a hellofalot cheaper than the three new giant separate agencies created out of it......

U.S. Education versus the World via Master of Arts in Teaching at USC
Via: MAT@USC | Master’s of Arts in Teaching

Monday, April 22, 2013

Finally!!! A new news week.....

I have great hopes that the 24/7 news networks will find new topics to talk about this week. Maybe they will concentrate on investigating why the Brothers Tsarnaev did not have Concealed Carry Licenses for either their handguns or those pressure cooker IED's.   

After all, the Dims insist that if a background check was required for every Chechen, there would be no murder in the streets...    but I digress - back to CNN, FOX, MSNBC and the rest of the 24/7 news  channels ---  Hopefully, that poor gal that kept bouncing running down the street every 25 seconds day and night last week has been allowed to sit down and catch her breath.  

The hero in the Stetson must have pushed that runner, whose life he saved with tourniquets, down Boylston Street at least 8,792 times in that video shot last week.  STOP! We have a NEWS ALERT!!

The News Alert is that we have no new news, so we will repeat the non-news that we didn't have twenty minutes ago. And then we'll have another NEWS Alert and repeat the process over and over. 

The other brilliant news factor is the law enforcement and politico's press conference ..... now called 'Pressers'  (isn't that clever) .... They too, have no news, but each participant much be recognized, read his printed statement, which is also handed out to all present -- after which reporters (note I didn't say journalists) start screaming questions -- to which the serious faced law officers answer: "I'm sorry, I can't speculate on that at this time,"  and the the politicos just ramble, 'cause they don't know anything anyway. 

Here are a few of the best summarizing editorial cartoons I could find on the topic after this frustrating week. You may have to click on a couple of them to see the fine print.

And finally, the one that sez it best!!

Have a good week, y'all!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

From a friend, and fellow Vet in Houston, Texas....

Sign at a Gun Show

A friend and his  brother went to a Gun Show at Reliant Center Saturday, Mar 23, 2013.

An all-day big show and lots of guns.  Looked like people buying mostly hand guns and a lot were just looking, as they were.  Thousands of people, hundreds signing up and joining the NRA - wow!

The best sign they saw at a booth read :



Now that is a real background check...!

(Thanx and a Tip O' the Stetson to my pal Joe)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

I ask you, "Have they no shame?"

I can't add a word to this great political cartoon!

The hits just keep on coming for the Left Wing MSM.....

Paul Kevin Curtis, Proud Democrat and Ricin letter mailer!!
Just yesterday I posted the 'Bad Day' posting (two posts down) that pointed out how disappointed Axelrod, Matthews and all their left wing MSM cohorts must be to find out that the bad guys are still primarily left leaning liberals and even registered Dims instead of the red neck, skin head, Tea Party right wingers they had hoped....

Let me add another body blow that fell upon them this week. Paul Keven Curtis!!!

Apparently that Mississippi 'red necked conservative' mailing the letters full of Ricin to US Senators and Obamanation hisself is in fact...... are you ready this.......  a "staunch Christian Democrat'!!!!  

POW - BAM - SLAP -- take that Chris Matthews, Rachael et al....   and then turn the other cheek!

Saturday morning 'duh' question.......

Massachusetts has some of the toughest gun permit, registry, and background check laws in the country. Click here for summary.

Yesterday, the Mayor of Boston shut down the city in general and advised all of the good citizens in a twenty block area to lock their doors and windows and cower inside whilst law enforcement officers, national guardsmen and others searched for the second bomber.  Who, by the way, was found by a curious homeowner living in a house a block away from the twenty block search area.

'Duh' question of the day -- How many UNARMED Boston residents living in that twenty block area and it's neighboring area, would have wished it were easier to obtain and keep a weapon in their house during the last forty-eight hours? 

How about you, Partners....   would you rather depend on that key lock on your front door and a telephone for protection of you and your families during that period..... or a couple friends named Smith & Wesson, or Mr Mossberg? 

Duh!!!   (I warned you this was a 'duh' question)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Bad week for Salon, Matthews and the rest of the far left MSM!!!

I really (not!) feel sorry for all of those Left Wing, MSM,  nattering nabobs of news nonsense today. They have been hoping and praying that the evil doers in Boston and Texas were American right wing white folks .... but...

It turns out that the Boston Marathon bombers are Checken, Muslim (military trained) immigrants -- not wild eyed right wing American extremists!

It turns out that the confessed murder of the Texas District Attorney and his wife is the wife of a Texas Justice of the Peace that the DA had prosecuted.   NOT some Aryan white brotherhood no goodnik!! 

Right wing American extremists or Chechen Muslim immigrants?

Aryan skin-head or JP's revengeful wife?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Congratulations, American workers everywhere!!

Today is April 18th......  Tax Freedom Day..... The 108th Day of the Year!!

Tomorrow you go to work for yourself, not your Federal, State, or Local taxing authority!  

That's right, this first 3rd of the year - you've been working to support all those politicians and the folks to which they hand your hard earned tax dollars to keep theyselves in power. You know, Obamanation's 47% of the country that receive gob'mint checks of some kind.  

Sorry Californians, and some others, but those tens of thousands of illegal immigrants that are on the dole and sitting around talking on their free Obama phones are more expensive... so your Tax Freedom Day hasn't yet arrived. April 18th is just the average for the nation's tax payers.

"Hope & Change" will see you through these trying times.. Not!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ninguna confianza!!!!

I think that's how you say 'no confidence' in Spanish!!  

What hopeful confidence I had in Marco Rubio, Senator (Fl-R) was decapitated this morning when his Gang of Eight immigration bill was released......

Whatever else was said - if I heard him say once, I heard him say often - that illegal aliens ooops, undocumented immigrants would get no tax payer paid benefits -- welfare, Obamacare, Social Security, etc..

And the first thing I read with my morning coffee today? "MarcoPhones' (formerly known as ObamaPhones) will be issued at no cost taxpayers cost to all of the illegals that hang out near the border......

If you can't believe the little stuff -- how can you believe the big plan?  Click here for more.

I can't!!  Keep your eyes peeled, Pilgrims, they are out there trying to get into your pockets, 24/7!!

We lost a sports broadcast giant yesterday --

Amid all the smoke and terror coming out of Boston, clouded by all the hot air and BS coming out of Washington - we lost a giant in the sports broadcasting world yesterday.  

Pat Summerall, the voice of professional football, tennis, and most especially, golf's annual Masters Tournament for many years -- passed quietly at the age of 82. 

His smooth speaking voice, his ability to share an event without trying to overshadow the event with his own presence made him a one-of-a-kind broadcaster. I'll remember him most for his NFL Tape voice-overs.......... and of course for his annual spring ritual of hosting the broadcast efforts of CBS at the Master's in Augusta, Georgia.  

He didn't speak with the fake hushed tones of today's broadcasters - as if they were in a library or cathedral .... instead he just spoke in his normal modulated, resonant voice. I believe the word 'minimalist' could have been invented for his style. 

Many of today's sportscasters would do well to study and emulate his style.

RIP, Pat...  and thanks for the many years you shared with us....

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obamacare has done some good for somebody -- namely the authors of this book!!!

Obamacare Logo (under truth in advertising rules)
I found it interesting to note that the new paperback "Obamacare - Survival Guide" has just been announced as a number one (#1) Best Seller by the New York Times top ten list.

I'll bet they were as happy with that as they were when Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'Reilly's books were numero uno on the non-fiction lists.......

Paraphrasing a certain FLOTUS: "For the first time in my life, I am 'ASHAMED' of my country.....

The White House (read - Obamanation) announced (even before the Boston bombing) that NO serving member of this Administration will attend and deliver our prayers and respects to the State Funeral of Baroness Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England and best friend of the United States.

Not BO hisself, not his always ready to fly little Mrs Michelle Antoinette, not Jumpin Joe Biden, --- not even our esteemed Secretary of State Heinz-Kerry!

England has been our greatest ally since 1940, through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, not to mention a certain Cold War for forty years....   and Obamanation can't be bothered......   or rather --- won't be bothered. He claims he is busy with gun legislation....!  Hell, he ain't been point man or leader on any legislation in the last 5 years.  

A shame..... a real shame... and don't think that the Brits aren't taking serious note of this snub!!

At least Speaker Boehner and the House are taking note and sending a delegation... by commercial air, not military air. 

Tsk Tsk.... how small minded that man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue must be---

Monday, April 15, 2013

Somethin' those folks back in Washington ought to think about.......K

Kind of speaks rather loudly -- for itself, doesn't it?

Happy 100th Birthday !!!

Yep, this year is the 100th Birthday of federal income tax. Been in effect since the XVI Amendment was ratified in 1913 (February 3rd to be exact).....    Kind takes a poke at that lady's cigarette ad, "You've come a long way, Baby!!" doesn't it. 

Originally passed to help the Federal Gob'mint pay the bills, and now it's used for social engineering of the populace in some cases, punitively in many cases, and as rewards for election support in many more.   I don't think that's what the folks had in mind back in 1913 -- do you?

By the way --  coincidentally, we all know today is April 15th, Tax payment day, but how many of you folks realize that the official 'Tax Freedom Day', this year is this Thursday. Yep,  April 18th is the day that the average citizen starts working for hisself instead of the tax collectors.  That's durn near 1/3rd of the year of working for the gob'mint.... before we start working for our own selves!!

Think about that for a while -- the more you think on it -- the worser it gets!!! 

It's a funny world we live in .......

We are told by our leaders that we should not judge all Muslims because of the act of few crazies on one day..... and then the next day ---

All Americans are judged and new gun controls enacted restricting all of them because of the act of a very few crazies with guns....     go figger!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So much for those 'cherry picked' parade cops Obamanation and liberal congressmen keep displaying....

A nation-wide survey taken just last month (Yes - March 2013) shows overwhelming law enforcement official's support FOR Concealed Carry Laws and AGAINST more gun control laws.

"A new survey conducted by PoliceOne Gun Policy & Law Enforcement between March 4 and March 13, 2013 shows an overwhelming majority of law enforcement officials are against new gun control measures. The survey shows huge support for concealed carry by law abiding citizens and approval for law enforcement leaders' across the country who have said they will not enforce more restrictive gun laws in their jurisdictions."

Click here for the full TownHall report, and easy to read graphs!

I was happy to read this report, because BO and his liberal, gun grabbing cronies almost had me convinced that our nation's police forces had 'gone all wobbly'!  

That last phrase is in honor of the late great Maggie Thatcher!

Monday, April 8, 2013

By now y'all have heard that the Associated Press (AP) has banned the used of the term 'Illegal Immigrant'......

Maybe Jay Leno had the best idea when he suggested that the new term should be 'undocumented democrat'!!

Question of the day: If a human being enters this country illegally, with or without the intent to stay, what else would you call them but an illegal alien, or illegal entrant or illegal immigrant?

I reckon the AP would have called Willie Sutton an 'unauthorized bank borrower'.......

Or Jack the Ripper a 'person with anti-feminine issues'......

The list could go on -- 

Are these proposed new gun laws to protect us - or to control us?

There are a lot of reasons to be wary of any new proposed gun laws, not the least of which is the constant chipping away at the Bill of Rights amended to our Constitution.  After all, if they can remove one.... they can remove or ease the wording of the others can't they?

With the new and growing so called verbal bullying laws, and the ever popular racist, religious, or ethnic hate speech laws, that 1st Amendment is in jeopardy.  With the new protest/terrorist laws, that Right of Assembly is in danger as well.  The 4th Amendment?  Heck, with cell phone and Internet monitoring it was already in trouble -- but now.... can you spell DRONE?

But you know all this --- rather than repeat the words in this well written column in National Review, I'll let you read it for yourself....  after you read it, if you still think some of these proposed gun control laws are innocuous .....   as my brother in law would say, 'Best of British Luck to ya, Mate!!'

National Review - A nation of felons?

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gun Control? --- or just more gob'mint people control???

Anybody who questions the reason for  Obamanation's push for more gun control laws need look no further than his hometown of Chicago!!

Not only is it Murder City, USA!  The bodies are piling up so fast that the city morgue has started an Internet site with pictures of the the bodies to get help identifying them. 

The crime solve rate of murders in Chicagoland is an abysmal 26%!!!

Prosecution rates for gun law violations in Chicago are the lowest of any city or state in the union!

So I ask you again -- what is BHO and his cabal after -- gun control, or one more means to control the citizenry through gun registration and gob'mint records?

Click here for more details.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mark your calendars, now folks..... lest you read a good book and miss the TV program of the year.....

This fall, TLC will mark the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination with a star-studded documentary called, “Letters to Jackie: Remembering President Kennedy,” according to the Hollywood Reporter:
The two-hour TV movie hails from Oscar-winning documentarian Bill Couturie and will feature 20 A-list celebrities reading poignant letters sent to the then-first lady in the two months following JFK's November 1963 assassination."
Yessirreebob!!  That'll be me.... laid back in my recliner during prime time on a November evening listening to Betty White, and an assortment of other C List Hollywoodies reading 'poignant' letters sent to Jackie Kennedy Onassis after the funeral..

A stack of Kleenex and the sound turned up -- yep -- that'll be me!

Watch for the TV times in your area...... 

It's gonna be a long year, folks, I kid you not !! (as Jack Paar used to say)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Navigate your way throught this pile of horse manure, Pilgrims, you won't find any pony!!

One of the lesser known details of Obamacare (stuff they didn't read before they approved it because it probably wasn't written into the regulations yet) is the call for 'Navigators' to assist folks in making their insurance choices.

These will be the equivalent of insurance agents, except they won't be, they'll be gob'mint (unionized) employees. No medical degree required....  can you see a pile of nepotism here?  But I digress...

Nobody knows how many will be needed or how much it will cost... but a good hint comes from Mexifornia California where they have requested 21,000 of these navigators. That works out to one navigator for every two thousand Californians. There are 38 million of those nuts, flakes and illegal immigrants undocumented Democrats. 

If this number holds true -- it would appear that the 313 million Americans (that have been counted and aren't hiding behind the bushes) will require 156,000 Navigators to help them wend their way through Obamacare's thousands of pages and choices. 

The Gob'mint says these navigators will be paid between $20 and $48 dollars per hour (plus all gob'mint employee perks of course)for their services.  So if one assumes the average wage will be somewhere in the middle of those two numbers, although I believe it will tilt toward the higher end, that would be $34 dollars per hour X 40 work week  = $1,360 per week X 52 paid weeks per year = $70,720! (plus them perks of course)

Now then, hold on to yer hats folks, cause 156,000 Navigators earning $70,720 per year amounts to the sum of $11,032,320,000 dollars per year!!!!!! Can you say -- $11 Billion dollars per year and change, boys & girls?  (plus them perks of course)  

Hopefully my calculator is wrong, hopefully my sources are wrong.... but God help us if they ain't wrong...   No wonder taxes and cost of health  care is going up. And Up!

The public service union bosses must be rubbing their hands with glee -- as well as the Dimmocrat National Party which will get their share of those union dues, not to mention finding a job for their dimwitted nephews and nieces...

Somebody please post a comment and tell me how wrong I am....!!

But before you doubt ole' Pecoz.... Google: "Obamacare, navigators" fer yourself.... but be careful, 'cause you'll also find that BO is also guaranteeing translators for ANY language....  and other ugly little facts as well. 

Be careful out there.....

I reckon y'all have heard that Obamanation is leaning (Chicagoland term) on the banks to lend money to unqualified folks to buy houses they can't afford....... again!

If I said I couldn't believe it when I saw this news in the headlines, I'd be lying.....  after the last few years, I'll believe damned near anything about what is coming out of D.C. in general and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in particular!!

It's like the guy has a list he is working on - 'How can I destroy the economy of the USA in eight years?'  The housing market is just now, after four years, starting to recover from the Dodd-Franks Fiasco Bill Bubble -- and this escaped village idiot wants to start all over again?

(Thanx and a Tip O' the Stetson to my pal, Al, up in the Peoples Republic of Maryland)

Just a suggestion Partners, but I think we all need to keep our eyes peeled and staring closely at what the 'Gang of Eight'.......

... is doing in secret in the US Senate whilst working on their version of a new comprehensive Immigration Bill.

If the article I am going to link you to below is anywhere near accurate, there is going to be some loud screaming when it's released for us taxpayers to peek at. 

A million new immigrant working visas per year? And we ain't talking about a million tomato pickers here -- we're talking about Silicon Valley and Microsoft workers -- being hired for skilled jobs at lower wages while American college and high school grads are flipping hamburgers.....

What is that term that Sarah Palin uses to describe such shenanigans? Oh yeah, crony capitalism....

A path to citizenship for the 11,000,000 (million) already here? (a number which I believe is about half the truth - like everything else we hear out of Washington -- like unemployment numbers and such)

Admission to Social Security benefits, Medicaid, Medicare, disability, welfare benefits towards which they have contributed nothing? 

I can't believe Senator Rubio would be a part of this...   hopefully the Caller has it all wrong.  But I ain't bettin' on it!  So like y'all, I'm keeping my eyeballs peeled, ears open and powder dry!

Click here for the DailyCaller.com article...

The other shoe drops in Colorado.....

A large shoe dropped yesterday when a Colorado judge ordered the release of additional documents relating to the James Holmes arrest for the mass murder, shootings in the Aurora movie theater recently.

While the prosecutors and the press, and even the White House would have us all believe that this was a guy who just instantly flipped out.... and stronger gun control laws would have prevented this massacre --- it turns out that a University psychiatrist had identified him as homicidal and reported him to the police a month before ....   hmmm!

I may not be Carnac the Magnificent, but I see a whole passel of prosecutors and police dancing in the near future --- and a whole passel of lawsuits from shark lawyers whose plaintiffs were hurt or damaged, and who smell money in the water. 

Click here for many more details and video (as well as copies of actual documents)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

I thought this poster was kind of on point.... with all of the trash and rhetoric being spewed around the country these days.

If you think I'm kidding, wait till you see the next posting below exposing one of our dimmer bulbs on the Congressional porch!!