Monday, August 5, 2013

Lindsey Graham, 'Listen to what I say I am -- don't pay any attention to what my actions say I am'.....

Wimsey Lindsey Grahamnesty
After a twelve year process of morphing into a RINO, First Class, -- Lindsey Graham, Senator, South Carolina, appears to have gotten a wake-up call back home.  With party primaries for next year's Senate election --  true GOP conservatives are jumping up all over his state to announce their intention to 'bring him home from the Beltway so he can get a real job. 

Johnny McCain - light!  In word and deed, he has drifted further left with each major bill before Congress.  A senior member of the Gang of Eight er, uh,   Amnesty for All Group of eight senators, Senator Gramnesty is turning bluer and bluer. 

Good luck to his primary foes, they won't have his political crony filled war chest - but they will have the RIGHT on their side...

Nancy Mace, she's RIGHT!
Watch for the new face on the block, Nancy Mace; the first female grad from The Citadel, a self made public relations firm owner and CEO..   and a strong Reagan Republican who is tired of the 'go along to get along' talking face of whimsy Lindsey.....

You go girl!!

Some pundits are already knocking her for her 'thin political resume'.....  Duh! These folks have forgotten that our founding fathers were counting on citizen legislators to go to Washington for a term or two --- AND THEN COME HOME TO LIVE UNDER THE LAWS THEY'VE BEEN PASSING!   Not buy a house in DC with a 30 year mortgage and making it their home -- with an occasional chicken dinner visit back home to please the voters.

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