Monday, June 10, 2013

Eric Holder. holds something on Obamanation ... or knows who really holds the strings over the White House?

I don't believe in my lifetime, I have ever, ever heard a more arrogant, confident statement from a presidential appointee in my life. Even J Edgar Hoover wasn't this arrogant, publicly.  In an NBC interview, Eric Holder, when asked if he plans to resign after all these recent 1st Amendment scandals, said:

“there are things I want to do, things I want to get done that i have discussed with the president. Once I have finished that, I will sit down with him and we’ll determine when it is time to make a transition to a new attorney general.”
“But to be clear, you’re not stepping down now?” Williams asked again.
“No, I have no intention of doing so now,” Holder replied.

Now friends, I don't know how you read that -- but what I read is 'I'll give up my office and step down when I am God Damn good and ready... not when somebody else decides!'

So that begs the question, does he have Obamanation by the short hairs, or does he have the direct approval of whomever is really running the Administration?  The answer is above my pay grade - but the last time I saw this degree of insolence and independence was when J Edgar Hoover had a dossier on everybody in power......

Here's a clip of the interview posted on MEDIAite:

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