Sunday, May 26, 2013

Where are the 'FARTS', when we need them?

On this Memorial Day weekend wherein we honor those who gave their very lives over the last 240 years to protect our freedoms, I note with interest - that in the face of the horrendous  'on the street' beheading of a young Brit soldier -- that at least three Brits have been arrested for the ugly, horrible, felony offense of .... are you ready for this....  no no.... it's too ugly for me to put into words - I'll just cut & paste:

"Ahead of the protests, Northumbria Police have arrested three men, two from Gateshead and one from Stockton, on suspicion of posting racist tweets."

Yessir, I'm ashamed to admit it, but three of the descendants of my British Ancestors did indeed let their anger get the better of them and in an 'Islamophobic' fit of rage over the public machete beheading of one of their soldiers -- sent a racist tweet.... 

But seriously folks, imagine our life here in the States without absolute, guaranteed freedom of speech!  Civilly liable yes -- criminally liable no!

And yet with the slow incursion of 'hate' speech laws, 'internet bullying' laws, across our land .... aren't we in that infamous pot of slowly warming water along with the proverbial frog? 

With the NAACP, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), JDL (Jewish Defense League), the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders) and many more one trick pony-wanna be victims groups, all watching every word spoken or printed that might cause offense -- it gets more and more perilous out there. 

If acronyms are appropriate - we need a 'FARTS" (First Amendment Rights Tolerance Society) created to help folks understand one of the oldest axioms in the English lexicon:

      Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones,
       - But Words Will Never Hurt Me!!

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