Thursday, February 7, 2013

Time to let the can roll into the gutter......

Four over four years, Obamanation has been playing Brinkmanship 101 with the Republicans in congress.  Maybe it's time for the game to end. 

It's time for Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to stand up on their hind legs and shout, "No Mas!!" 

His BO'ness is now politely asking them to join him in kicking the can down the road once again... 'let's just raise taxes and pretend were are making cuts just for a few more months', he says with much less sneer that he has for the last four years. 

Sequester seems to make the strongest politician quake....   why? Life will go on, events will still event, and perhaps with serious spending cuts (if even for a little while) may bring sanity back to Washington. He got his huge tax revenue increases, he just keeps forgetting about instituting those pesky cuts. 

Obamanation's Legacy?
Let sequestration begin...  let the chips fall where they may....  before it's to late to reverse the flood of damage being inflicted on this country.  

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid have both proven to be the most inept, unskilled, partisan politicos in the history of the Congress... yet their constituencies in Nevada and San Francisco keep re-electing them and sending them back. 

If Mitchell and Boehner were to stand up and shout, "We're maddern' hell and we ain't gonna take it any more. It's your problem, you fix it, we ain't gonna enable you any more!"
The good folks of Kentucky and of the 18th District of Ohio would probably hail them as heroes and send them back to Congress in a tsunami of votes.  The hell with what the blue state voters think - they don't get to vote! Besides, their states are already bankrupt!

History won't remember those two gentlemen, but it sure as hell will remember who was at the helm when we almost went over the brink!!

(In the spirit of truthiness, I've got to point out that these comments were inspired by a great item by DrJohn on FloppingAces)

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