In case you don't recognize that Happy Face on the left, that's His Hackness, the Mayor of LA and chairman of the Dim's convention.
When FOX news pointed out that they had omitted God and Jerusalem from their party platform, their fearless leader made one of those fearless 3:oo am calls and demanded the platform be amended because they got caught. Not willing to deny 'The One', with the able assistance of a stern looking lady, a prewritten teleprompter, and typical Dim chicanery.... Mr. Villaraigosa brought home the victory and saved God and the party.
Knowing that it took a two thirds vote to amend the platform, and failing to even get a clear one half of the vote -- he simply --- called for three votes, adding the 1/3rd Aye votes from each of the three voice votes --- eureka! --- he had unanimous approval.
What a guy, what a democracy, what an astute parliamentarian.... He was so proud of hisself that he was even quoted as saying - “The president, the vice president, Mrs. Obama, all of them acknowledged the decisive way I handled that.” (sounds like a 4th grader with a good report card, don't he?)
Hmm, I wonder when Michelle Antoinette was appointed into his chain of command?
58 Days till November 6th Pilgrims - !!!
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