Monday, September 17, 2012

It ain't very often...........

....that I see something in Texas that I am plumb ashamed of.... However, the Victoria Texas Independent School District pushed a burr under the saddle last week.

Apparently, some teacher or somebody posted this aberration of our USA Flag in one of their classrooms... and it wasn't until the principal started getting e-mails that she or anybody noticed it and thought to take it down.

Naw, I ain't complaining that they are pimping for Obamanation in the school house -- I've come to expect that from school teachers and staffers, even here in the great state of Texas. What tightens my jib is the desecration of the US Flag --- and even the kindergarten teachers ought to know those rules..... and certainly the middle school teachers should ...

Typically, the school is gonna' teach a remedial 'flag code' class to the students --- instead of the teachers and staff.... that figgers!

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