Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Where do people turn for the news, 'fair & balanced'?

I've been sitting here all day waiting for last night's ratings to be released. The three broadcast MSM network numbers were out early this morning.... the cable news shows numbers were just released.....

And hot damn..... if these numbers don't speak volumes -- I'm a cross-eyed liberal!!


FOXNEWS 6,878,804
NBC 4,770,050
CBS 3,118,927
ABC 2,862,656
CNN 1,473,885
MSNBC 1,468,348


Anonymous said...

I turned off Fox because the talking heads were talking over the people on the stage at the convention and went to
C-Span where they let the speaker talk without giving an opinion!!

Pecozbill said...

I certainly can't fault you for that Mr Anonymous.... makes sense to me!!

Tex said...

Bill, some of us spent the evenings tuned to C-SPAN. The only sound you got was from the convention itself.
Sure was nice to be able to hear what the speakers were saying as opposed to the learned reporters version of what was being said.
In the end, we even watched the kids play with the balloons.

Pecozbill said...

I hear you, Tex! Many of my friends have allowed as they tuned to CSPAN for the same reasons you did.

Unfortunately, we'll never know how many because CSPAN is not registered with the Ratings companies - because they don't do commercials or sell anything..

So we'll never know (for now) just how great those numbers are. Although they were estimated pretty high for this convention..... Go to TV Ratings on Drudge Report, and follow the pages back to cable channels and you'll get the picture.... (couldn't resist the pun, sorry 'bout that)