Saturday, August 25, 2012

University of Virginia to BO....... Thanks but no thanks!

I note with interest that the UVA declined the self-invite of the Obamation entourage to take over their campus next Wednesday, the 2nd day of school and 3rd day of the GOP Convention in Tampa. Link
In their very - very polite No Thanks letter, they pointed out that such a visit would required cancelling 186 classes on the second day of school, put the total costs for security, overtime, and related costs directly on the University not the campaign, and generally foul things up.

Go elsewhere they said, your very laws say that if we host one candidate, then we have to host the others, we have work to do here thank you very much.

To the University of Virginia officials, I say Right On!! Someone needs to stand up to these bully boys. Last I hear, only a small bakery, "Crumb and Get It" has the courage to refuse them. I note that the bakery is also in Virginia.... Roanoke!

Lot of patriots and brave souls in the State of Virginia. Hope their voters read a lot!!

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