Monday, August 27, 2012

Sometimes...... a pretty face is......

Unfortunately, sometimes, a pretty face is ..... just that, ...a pretty face.

I had heard about Jennifer Granholm for years. the Canadian born gob'nor of Michigan who was such a bright star on the Dim's class roster that they were trying to find away to get around that silly requirement of natural born citizenship to be POTUS thing.... again.

What little I knew about her was that she governed for eight years over the demise of the great state of Michigan, watched Detroit become the poster city for crime in both city hall and the streets, and watched the fearful disintegration of the total infrastructure as bid'nesses fled the state. She was replaced, needless to say - by a Republican!!

So yesterday, I innocently switched over to ABC's Sunday Morning George Snuffulopolis panel show and among the five panelists, between George Will and Mary Matalin, sat Gob'nor Granholm - perky middle aged blond with the pretty face looked like she was giving her best shot at keeping up with two of the brighter minds in the country. She not only lost with her repetitive quotes of DNC talking paper sound bites.... well, let me put it this way - if it were a horse race instead of a debate.... she'd still be running around the far turn today!

I was surprised... honestly surprised at the vacuum between this lady's ears. What could the people of Michigan have been thinking? I hear she now works on Gorebot's Current TV network where she broadcasts nightly to both folks in her listening audience.

I understand she won a beauty contest once; Do you reckon she came across like Jr Miss South Carolina ?

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