In an unusual flash of honesty and integrity, the Public Editor of the New York Times (AKA - DNC Daily Leaflet), Arthur Brisbane opined: ...that his fellow staffers "share a kind of political and cultural progressivism" that "virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times." Brisbane even argued that Times reporters approached some liberal issues, like gay marriage and the Occupy movement, "more like causes than news subjects."
Never one to let a truth slip over the outgoing transom of the Gray Lady, Executive Editor, Jill Abramson quickly retorted: "... that in covering some social and cultural issues, the Times sometimes reflects its urban and cosmopolitan base,"...
I cannot fathom the degree of elitism and arrogance that would prompt that response. I reckon she was explaining why all us gun totin', Bible reading, yokels across the land just don't get it.
As rapidly as the Times is sinking into a sea of red ink in it's own quagmire of drooping sales, subscriptions, and advertising income, her statement is perilously close to the editor of the Titanic's Shipboard Newspaper berating passengers who question the lack of boat drills.
Ah, but I forget, she is the Editor of the New York Times, and with their reputation for plagiarism, she probably stole those lines from that poor feller.
When the Time's ship starts to seriously list before she goes under, I sure hope we don't hear any caterwauling from some cronies in Congress or the White House that she is too big to fail!!
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