At the CPAC Convention in Chicago this week, the straw poll winner by 20 lengths was Florida's Senator Marco Rubio. Not even close, he drew more than twice as many votes as the number two man.
It got me to thinking, with all the MSM pundits and Dim spokes folks disdainful of him as Veep choice... what is the message? Kinda like that ole' Brer' Rabbit and the Briar Patch parable, ain't it.
Let's see now, He's very conservative, very articulate, a great debater, an experienced legislator at the State and Federal level, he dresses well, and he has a great American family story. What's not to like? Oh, now it comes to me ..... he is also young, intelligent and has a great (and long) future in American Republican party politics. hmmm...
How many Americans are aware that he was first elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2000 and just six years later - was elected by his peers, fellow Representatives and ambitious politicians in their own right --- as Speaker of the House. What does that tell you? Six years!!
If Mitt Romney gets elected and does even a halfway decent job (which would be ten times better than we are now getting) and serves the full eight years of two terms.... when he is term limited out, it will be 2021 and Marco Rubio will be in his prime at exactly fifty years old..... experienced and well vetted by the voters of the United States. At least seventy-five million of whom are expected to be Hispanic in 2020!
Hey, I din't bring race into this equation -- how many times have we heard '1st black president' shouted in the last four years. Well then - what's wrong with crowing about the '1st Hispanic president' of these United States. Like is so often said -- many of their ancestors were here before the rest of us came sailing in to Plymouth!!
Like the old saying goes, 'Ya takes yer choice and ya lays down yer money!'. I'll put my pile of chips on the Marco Rubio square today Pilgrims. Let's hope that Romney's country club friends don't convince him that we need another ruling elite class member as Veep!
I may not be around to see it, but Sixteen year of conservative Republicans in the White House might just help this great country survive and make it through the 21st century.
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