Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A word from the far Left..........

Y'all remember the vertically challenged Robert Reich, Labor Secretary to Bubba Clinton and protector of the downtrodden and poor working man? Well, give him some credit -- he's consistent in his barb slinging...

In his column on Friday, he points out that:

During the Clinton era - 45% of economic growth went to benefit the top 1% of Americans.

During the Bush era - 65% of that economic growth went to benefit the top 1%!

And now - during Obamanation's regime, a full 93% of the economic growth went to the top 1% and even more pointed - 'no one below the richest 10% saw any gain at all!"

I ain't gonna gild this lily, Pardners -- it reads well all by itself! Here is a link to his column.

It's worth the read!!

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