Monday, March 5, 2012

SEX anyone??

Everybody seems to be talking about sex nowadays - but nobody offers any suggestions. Not even that thirty year old bimbo that performed the seal act for Nancy, you know the student poseur that Rush Limbaugh disparaged with his usual biting humor!

Now his sponsors are wring their hands and hiding, TV's usual suspects (talking heads) like Gregory, Matthews et al., are screaming in unison - forget the economy, the national debt, the terrorists, we have bigger fish to fry; Rush Limbaugh was caught calling a grown woman who claims to spend a thousand dollars a year on birth control methods (read condoms) a pejorative term that means 'promiscuous woman'..... as my grand kids would say -- "Well - Duh!!"

And to add insult to injury - or gild the lily of insanity, the President of the United States called her personally to apologize. Of course, he's already apologized to everybody else in the world and is running out of folks to be sorry to, or about, or whatever.....

Here's a suggestion: When LBJ's Great Society created an ATM out of every single gal's womb in the country - he left us a legacy where more than 40% of all births are illegitimate (is that still a word?) and supported with tax payer dollars. How about a new law --

No new mother will receive a dime in medical or welfare assistance until she names the guy she created the new life with. If like our witness above, it's impossible for her to name the one guy responsible, she would need to write down the whole list and swear to it under oath.

The gob'mint then could have a quick DNA check, and start sending half the bill to the sire, the sperm spreader. The other half would be billed to the new mommy, the legs spreader. And..... whoops, --this is big enough for a paragraph of it's own:

Neither the mommy or the daddy would be eligible for any college loans, hunting licenses, concealed carry license, real estate licenses, credit cards, or government benefits until these 'baby medical bills' were paid. This is no more than they do now for unpaid child support payments.. WTH - why should out-of-wedlock be different?

I'd be willing to bet that those single mom birthin's would drop precipitously, as in a real hurry !

And all them horny lads would change their ways and start using those condoms they carry around in their billfolds for years just to flash that give-away circle through the leather.......

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