Monday, March 19, 2012

I understand Eric Holder is at it again......

using the good offices of the Attorney General to continue his crusade against the Second Amendment and gun ownership.  In this clip, a CSPAN clip from 1995, he advocates 'brainwashing' Americans against guns. 

We know from watching the hearings in the House & Senate - that he and his underlings (not to mention his boss in the Oval Office) had anti-gun hysteria in mind when they released thousands of guns in the Justice Department's 'Fast & Furious' debacle.

I have a simple proposition.... if every durned Hollywoody, gas bag politician, and hypocritical limousine liberal will take a simple oath before a federal judge, under penalty of law, to forswear any personal ownership of a weapon, any hiring of any a personal bodyguard who carries a weapon, armed rent-a-cop or off duty law officer, or armed on-duty gob'mint employee law officer,  then yours truly might be inclined to listen to what they say and the advice they have to offer. 

But in the absence of such certification and magnetron screenings like the rest of us sheople, I say their words are as valueless as their promises! Zip, Nada, zero, Bee Ess!

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