Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another peek through Alice's looking glass........

ABC just reported that our esteemed Federal Gob'mint just awarded a prize of $10,000,000 (million of our tax dollars) to Philips Corporation for their innovation in devising an affordable 60 Watt Light bulb to replace the current old fashioned incandescent bulbs. 

The good news, the bulb will last ten years, and only uses 1/6th the energy.  
The bad news,  the durned bulb costs $50.00 US Dollars.   Yessir - I'm going out this afternoon... let's see now, 36 bulbs, $1,800 plus tax.... hmmm

Congratulations Philips Corporation - the same gob'mint that 'misunderestimated' the cost of Obamacare by a trillion bucks, ($1,000,000,000,000)  recognizes your good work!!!

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