Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another Bill of Rights Amendment down the toilet..

... with little fanfare Obamanation signed H.R. 347 into law last week. 

Like most onerous federal laws, it was sweetly titled...... "‘‘Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011’’.    

Now, doesn't that sound innocent...?

But what this bill does in just a couple a couple of short paragraphs is grant the Secret Service the right to declare any building, any street corner, any park, and public facility in the United States as a 'restricted area' where citizens may NOT assemble, demonstrate, or speak freely.

As a for instance: If Jolt'n Joe Biden was coming to your home town on one of their hundreds of political fund raising trips around the country ... and decided to speak at a local college as well as the hoi poloi fund raising site... the Secret Service  (SS) only needs to designate and post the surrounding streets and yards as 'restricted buildings or grounds' and neither you nor your fellow citizens could peacefully assemble with or without signs, to protest or make a political statement!

Yes, read that last sentence again ... that's what it says.   And you can be 'fined and/or imprisoned' for violating such a posting. 

So, Pilgrims, our Dear Leader (and all of his minions) - who already lives in a citizen free bubble. just had it thoroughly sanitized by the stroke of a pen. 

Might the day be soon arriving when entire neighborhoods, villages, towns or cities may be 'locked down' so as to prevent any possible affront to the ruling elite?   

Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they discussed 'citizen leaders'?

And I don't lay the blame for this abomination of a law only on the steps of the White House.....  it had to be passed in the Republican led House and the Democrat led Senate before it reached his desk......if they erased the 1st Amendment this easily, can the 2nd Amendment be far behind if he gets a second term???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Pecoz...ya can "rent"a heli and/or a Piper Bird w/Banner atchd, fly over the proposed site w/an appropriate saying..ya think they wud have a F16 come by and shoot'er down??