Funny thing about cities with only one newspaper..... the last one standing usually seems to one be of the liberal persuasion. Here in my city of San Antonio, we had two good competing daily newspapers for years.... Then Hearst shut theirs down a few years ago.
The surviving daily paper, which had been the conservative source of news, has slowly morphed over the years until it is now a fully flamed liberal imitation of a newspaper. It's editorial staff, writers have been mostly imported from the Blue states .... hell, their only editorial cartoonist is such a one trick pony that he is still drawing cartoons of 'W', not realizing that he's been out of office for three years. He went plumb orgasmic when Perry threw his hat in the national ring. I'm told he's still sitting in the corner sulking since Perry dropped out of the race.
All of which brings me to a great Letter to the Editor in this Sunday's paper. Our Public Editor, a transplanted Yankee named Robert Richter wrote his previous column about the now infamous Clint Eastwood Super Bowl ad and Karl Rove's reaction... anyway this local reader wrote in his letter, taking Richter to task:
"I strongly object to Bob (Richter) calling Rush (Limbaugh) a "blowhard radio yakker." Why is such name calling necessary? Surely, a liberal columnist can disagree without becoming disagreeable?
Bob said his is originally from Detroit. What bothers me is why Bob and so many other 'immigrants' from cities and states destroyed by Democratic leadership, liberal policies and union dominance run from there, come to Texas and then want to impose those traits on the great State of Texas.
If you think liberal policies work, go back to Detroit and let Texas enjoy our success -- no state income tax, jobs created, stable housing market and economy and no bailouts.
(signed .......)
Windcrest TX
Good on ya' Mr Letter Writer! That's exactly what a hell of a lot of us wonder about when we see Houston, Dallas and our own fair city turning Blue as it's being choked by these recently arrived and tainted souls...........
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