Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Does anybody in Washington read the US Constitution?

The reason I ask that is because of what I read and hear in the news.

On the one hand, I read that the US Post Office is going to shut down thousands of post offices in small town America, cutting off stamps and postal service to their inhabitants. Usually on the lower end of the economic teeter-totter.

But then I read the US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, where it says the gob'mint will: "Establish Post Offices and post Roads"


The headline I see is describing some official gob'mint food nazi standing in lunch room for four year-olds and inspecting their lunch bags. In one instance, finding a healthy lunch of a turkey sandwich, a banana, a box of apple juice, and some potato chips, the Nazi saluted, undt ordered the child into the cafeteria line where where she was served 3 chicken nuggets made of of 'mechanically separated chicken parts' and held together by God only knows what!

And then added insult to injury by billing the embarrassed mother $1.25 for the mysterious chicken nugget lunch!!!

I checked back in the US Constitution, and you know what Pilgrims? I couldn't find one word about school lunches or free breakfasts or lunch bag Nazi's or any other such program. I couldn't even find anything that said the federal gob'mint should be involved with local education, much less lunch breaks.

Just color me confused, Partners... and I get more confused every day!

Maybe if they transferred those food nazi's from the elementary schools and let them deliver mail instead.......... nah - that'll never work. The USPS logo doesn't have a swastika in it.

Speaking once again of the Post Office, I note that across the nation, UPS and FEDEX have prospered by franchising out their pick-up and distribution points. Why wouldn't that work for rural post offices? You say it has? Nah, I'll bet the postal workers union forbids any non-union member from putting their unclean hands on our stamps and mail.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for the great information you have provided! You have touched on crucuial points! i bookmarked it and will be back to check some more later. Lunch Room