Monday, February 27, 2012

Achtung!! Child's crayolas puts Dad in jail......naked!

A four year old child drew a picture of a man holding a gun. The teacher inquired, "What is that?" The child replied, 'That's my Daddy shooting the bad guys and the monsters.'

What happens next? Teacher explains there are no monsters? Teacher smiles and reassures child?

No NO! Not in Hitler's Nazi Germany where brown shirted little children were encouraged to spy on their parents and report anti-Nazi activities.

No NO! Apparently in Canada, our democratic neighbor to the north!

Take a few minutes, Pardners, and watch this video clip. after you read the article. It's startling at a couple of levels. Strip searches, no-knock house searches, family service child abductions.... and one of the scariest... the Canadian law that apparently says that when you register a gun, you simultaneously waive all rights to search and seizure laws by the national or local police.

And this feller didn't even own or possess a gun!!

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you here in the USA ..... if the United Nations, Hellary Clinton and Obamanation get their way -- first registration of all handguns, then all long guns, and then????

As Elmer Fudd used to say.......... "Be vewy, vewy afwaid!"

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