Friday, January 20, 2012

Question #2 for this January 20th Day

It's been 60 years since the attack on Pearl Harbor. We celebrate the occasion this year with this fiasco in Washington over the rejection of the Keystone pipeline and all the benefits and security it would bring to this country ......

and as I note on the Internet that the PM of Canada is headed off to China for 'talks' next month (Feb).... I got to thinking.

- If these same leaders, bureaucrats, and regulations were in place on 7 December 1941...... would Pearl Harbor be open for shipping again yet?

- Would the concrete piers for the foundation of the Pentagon be poured and inspection approved yet?

- Would the environmentalists demand that all Navy ships containerize or sanitarily dispose of all waste while at sea before they allowed them to sail?

- Would, could the Manhattan Project have occurred, much less be kept off the front page of the New York Times?

Just thinking out loud...... how fortunate we were at the time.... My grade school years were in the 40's and my foreign language aptitudes have been proven next to nil by the Air Force.

I'da been in big trouble, Ne?

("Ne" is Japanese for 'Right?')

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