Thursday, January 26, 2012

The power of the incumbency ???????????

Let me see if I have this straight now...

1. Obamanation was so thrilled that he carried North Carolina in 2008 that he steered the 2012 Dimmocrat Convention there.... to double down in 2012......

2. A 'right to work' state, this planned locale for the convention has aggravated a lot of union muckey-mucks (thugs in suits). This aggravation was exacerbated when he decided that he would read his TOTUS's acceptance speech of the nomination in a stadium facility built by non-union workers. After which they will all return to their Charlotte hotel rooms, staffed by non-union employees.

Hows he doing so far........? Wonder if his Greek Columns are already shipped in?

Well, let's see, today the incumbent Dim Gov'nor, Bev Perdue, is so low in the polls that she announced today that she isn't even going to run for a second term in office in November!

North Carolina Dim Congressman, and uber ACORN style liberal, Brad Miller is announcing that he is canceling his re-election bid for his House seat.

I've seen Chinese Fire Drills that were better planned and organized than this upcoming Dim convention --- Maybe, since he's still eligible to vote -- the late Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley might want to volunteer to chair this convention! They did so well with the convention in his fair city back in 1968!!

Remember, it beat the 'Thrilla in Manilla' twixt Ali and Frazier for sheer knock-down power and riots.......

And the beat goes on........ I love election years!

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