Friday, January 6, 2012

Obamanation's left foot comes down on Constitution, hir right foot comes down on the Department of Defense!

In one of my retired military group discussions.... the topic of Obamanation's announcement yesterday that he is gonna' cut the military in half to support his socialist plans...... and his rationale. One of our members summed it up so well, that I am just gonna cut and paste his comments here for your review..... and comments!

" Well, if you listened to him yesterday, among the many things he said, was "As we look beyond the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- and the end of long-term nation-building with large military footprints -- we’ll be able to ensure our security with smaller conventional ground forces. We’ll continue to get rid of outdated Cold War-era systems so that we can invest in the capabilities that we need for the future, including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, counter terrorism, countering weapons of mass destruction and the ability to operate in environments where adversaries try to deny us access.

Notice the last half of the sentence ... "we can invest in the capabilities that we need for the future, including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance..." Well, for those of you who don't know, ISR is pretty much directed to the missions of the drones we now operate. You know, like the one that went down in Iran. Mr. President, I ask you, when was air power the sole force of the United States used to end a war? While air power may weaken an enemy and drain away some of the will to fight, it has never ended a war without a concentrated effort by those with boots on the ground. World War II? No! Korea? No! Vietnam? No! Iraq? No! Afghanistan? No! (Now some might say the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Japan stopped World War II with Japan. I say that strategic bombing did not. The weapons did! Bombers were involved only because that was the only way we had of delivering those weapons. If you have a problem comprehending that I suggest you look at the campaign that started April 1, 1945 which resulted in 165,000 military casualties of all kinds And that number does not include civilian casualties.)

"(W)e will be strengthening our presence in the Asia Pacific," What will you do? Nothing more than reassign dwindling assets from one region to another. Where will you put those troops? Korea? Haven't all the troops been moved well south of the DMZ? Japan? Well that should go over well with the Japanese. Taiwan? Ooops, we have already told the folks in mainland China that we have our troops out of there. The Philippines? Samo-samo!

Ah but your solution is the, "We're going to continue investing in our critical partnerships and alliances, including NATO. NATO? You mean the coalition that took seven and a half months to beat down the ragtag military of Libya so the rebels (read that as ground forces) could take control?

Sounds like a plan to me."

Thanks, and a Tip O' the Stetson to Dave of Maryland.....

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