Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thanksgiving at Christmas Time

Usually Thanksgiving comes in November, but for me it arrives today. I would like to extend my heartiest thanks to every guy and gal who visited this little site this year.

I believe the is the first Christmas in years where someone hasn't e-mailed me some lame parody of 'The Night Before Christmas!" I thank y'all for that....

In addition,

Nobody e-mailed me a link to some idiot YOUTUBE video of some jerk with too much money and too little sense.... who's house is lit up like the Las Vegas strip with the Boston Pops Orchestra playing the Little Drummer Boy in time to the flashing light strings or vice versa... I thank you again!

I noted this morning that a National Survey shows that 2/3rd of the American Public prefer "Merry Christmas" to 'Happy Holidays'. I kept that thought in mind as I drove by our local school and saw the marquis sign: "Winter Holidays Break" 19 Dec - 1 Jan

Ho Ho Ho

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