Saturday, December 31, 2011

The longest year??????????

We all remember the great movie about D-Day, "The Longest Day" starring every male star the US, Britain or Germany had to offer! And in black in white.

I submit that this year of 2011 will go down in history as "The Longest POTUS Nomination Race" in an off year........... as in -- it ain't even election year yet.

The quadrennial election year starts in just a few hours..... and that's when the presidential nomination race should start, in my humble opinion! I lay most of the blame on the 24/7 so called 'news' channels who are so desperate to fill broadcasting hours, they create polls, debates, headlines................. just so they can talk about them for hours and days on end!

In fact, all we have managed to do is turn Mr & Ms John Q Public off, keep a whole passel of qualified candidates out of the race because they already have a life and don't need the grief, and sell lots of drugs and soap on TV.....

I don't have a horse in this race yet.... or a dog in this fight! I reckon by March I'll have to hold my nose and vote for one of them because even the worst of them would be better for the country than the male version of Maxine Waters we have in the White House now. Only good thing I can say about his first three years - he's a man of his word! He said he would destroy the economy and the country, and he's doing a hell of a job of it!!

Here's to 2012! Things can only get better!!

Drive safe this evening - we need your vote next November, and only dead Dim's are allowed that privilege!!

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