Sunday, September 5, 2010

Will Rogers was WAY ahead of this time....

As I watch today's younger generation tune in to watch Jon Stewart's 'The Daily Show' for their evening news..... and stayed tuned for the 'Colbert Report' for the rest. While those on the right tune in to hear Dennis Miller's staccato rants on his views of the political events of the week....

This is where these folks get their news.... and what group is usually the butt of all this news 'humor'? Why politicians of course, from the POTUS on down to the lowest level....... hmm, would that be Ms Waters, or Mr Rangel on the left? Perhaps, Mr Ensign on the right?

Anyway - here is what the prophet Will Rogers,who died 75 years ago, said way back when!!

"Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke." --American humorist Will Rogers (1879-1935)

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