Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time for Conservative 'talking heads' to Man Up!!!

I thought I was the only guy riding behind the thundering herd that was getting tired of getting bullshit blown back at me..... Apparently others are getting equally tired. Ann Coulter, in her own low key, moderate way, addressed this cloud of BS this week.

While engaging in astonishing viciousness, vulgarity and violence toward Republicans, liberals accuse cheerful, law-abiding Tea Party activists of being violent racists.

Responding to these vile charges, conservative television pundits think it's a great comeback to say: "There is the fringe on both sides."

Both sides? Really? How about: "That's a despicable lie"? Did that occur to you simpering morons as a possible reply to the slanderous claim that conservatives are fiery racists?

All the accusations of "racism" at anti-Obama rallies so far have turned out to be completely false. The most notorious was the allegation that one black congressman was spat on and another called the N-word 15 times at an anti-ObamaCare rally on Capitol Hill last March.

Brietbart News offered $100,000 cash money for any video shot of the accused racist attacks taken on the capitol steps, - I haven't heard anybody step up and make a claim yet - and this is a country where nowadays, a chicken can't poop in it's coop without six cell phone camera pictures of the event taken from different angles isn't available..

Click here and read the rest of what Annie has to say on the subject -- I think she is calling the moderate weenies out.... what do you think?

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