Monday, July 5, 2010

The other shoe drops at NASA!!

If you, like me, wondered what kind of mission NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) has now - to justify it's existence since Obamation pulled the cork on space flight..... we now have the answer!

It's mission, as assigned by BO himself to his appointed NASA Administrator, Charles Bolden, - is foremost to "reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering."

Yep, that's what the man says in his interview with Al Jazeera during his recent visit to Cairo to celebrate the 1st anniversary since Obamanation's speech over there! I reckon the whole nation of Egypt closed down to celebrate this special anniversary....

So if you thought your billion$ of tax dollar$ were being wasted on space exploration or other scientific endeavors -- take heart -- they are pumping up the ego's of Muslims everywhere.....

You only need to suffer through the first three minutes of this painful, suck up interview --- not the whole 21 minutes......

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden "Talks to Al Jazeera"

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