Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nanny State unhappy with "Happy Meals"

Apparently the Center for Science in the Public Interest has threatened to sue McDonald's for putting toys in their Happy Meals. They call the practice "creepy and predatory" and alluded to dirty old men hanging around playgrounds handing out candy or something.

When does Mom or Dad
have to stand up and take responsibility? (I'd say Mom & Dad, but the gob'mint policy anymore seems to think that a good home doesn't need both parental units) Some say, they should order something different..... Hello???

w about staying out of the McD drive-thru line and staying in the kitchen and fixing a balanced lunch? Where is it written that a call to dinner in the 21st Century should be: "C'mon kids, get in the car!!"?

Link to AOL full article here.

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