Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dem's are quietly demolishing our great Republic!!!

Our Founding Fathers, Bless their patriotic hearts and brilliant minds - created a Democratic Republic to ensure a lasting government. One run by neither a tyrant nor a tyrannical majority. Their plan (constitution) has stood up well for two hundred plus years.

Now the Dems, still suffering from PGDS (Post Gore Defeat Syndrome) are trying to slide us in the side door to a democracy. I see Massachusetts legislators (not citizens) have joined the small group of states which want to give up the benefits of a Republic and cast all their electoral votes to whichever presidential candidate wins the National majority vote.

So far, the little states that have passed this kind of bill only account for 51 Electoral Votes (EV). But CA and NY are eying it as well. These states are clever enough to word the legislation so that it doesn't go into effect until states with a total of 280 EV's pass it as well.

Thus -- in 2012, if the GOP candidate wins the popular vote, they can still keep their EV's Blue for Obamanation!!

Keep in mind what this means, -- if the flyover states are ignored now, under this popular vote system, all a candidate needs are the millions of votes from the populous two coasts, Chicagoland, and major other metropolitan blue areas.... "Tofu in every pot - a Volt in every public housing parking spot"

All others need not apply! Those dependent on the nanny state will really have their hands in the treasury then............ and it's down the slope we go!! A socialist's wet dream!

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