Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Law of Unintended Consequences III

-April - America is suffering a (minimum) 10% unemployment rate - with no end in sight.-Deepwater Horizon blows a cork, resultant oil spill destroys gulf fishing, tourist, and related industries - instantly putting tens of thousands out of work -- and thousands more of those who make a living servicing them.....

- May - White House, in knee jerk fashion, bans all off shore drilling everywhere until whenever the appropriate committees have decided whatever committees decide in whatever time they take...

- June - Tens of thousands of oil rig workers, land support crews, and the thousands that make their living servicing them are instantly out of work.....

Net results - hundreds of Blue Ribbon Committee members and their lackeys find highly paid work inside the Beltway ---- --- while hundreds of THOUSANDS of Americans outside the Beltway are added to the unemployment rolls. Mortgages default, cars repossessed, college dropouts, and other ancillary effects cause even further degradation of the economy.

Only in America!!!

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