Monday, June 28, 2010

I was gonna title this "Obama-Logic', but........

....that would be a ginormous oxymoron!! Instead, I'll just call it -- one more whack at the American jobs and economy tree by Obamanation.....

It seems that a firm, Bucyrus Int, of MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN, with over a thousand local employees has just been cut off at the knees in their bid to build a coal fired generating plant in India. Because Obamanation doesn't like coal fired plants, his administration cut off Export-Import bank money for the project..

I reckon BO's logic is -- better to let a Chinese or Russian company build a real pollutin' kind of coal burning generator than to let an American Company build a clean one! That'll show the Greenies that he loves 'em!

"Democrats like Obama keep talking about eeeeeevil corporations that export jobs overseas to save costs rather than keep them in the US. Well, Obama and his Congress just sent 1,000 jobs overseas — jobs Americans lost, and jobs that either Russian or Chinese workers will get instead. And instead of bankrupting this new coal plant, they just made it dirtier. Good job!"

For the whole story from, click here!

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