Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I heard a number thrown out on a radio talk show yesterday: "Two thousand Americans are killed EACH YEAR by illegal aliens." That would be the equivalent of another 9-11 massacre every 18 months....... but nobody shouts! Or flys flags.... Or laments....

The number seemed a little high, so I did some Googling, and from a mental averaging of many sites, some serious - some rabid, I think the two thousand number is on the lower end of the guesstimate! About half of the American deaths are caused by illegal drunk drivers and accidents, the other half by guns, knives and mayhem!!

These numbers of American deaths each year would tower over our losses in Iraq & Afghanistan...... tower over the 9-11, or Oklahoma bombing deaths. But because they are 'local' and come in drip drip drip fashion nobody pays attention.

The most common number I read on the Internet starts at 12 per day--- over 4,000 dead Americans per year because the Federal Government won't, doesn't close and control our borders.....

Am I missing something here? Where is the outcry?

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