Wednesday, June 23, 2010

General McChrystal out! Generak Patraeus in??

There must be something wrong with my Monitor -- I swear that it says that Obamanation is replacing McChrystal with Patraeus.....

But this is the same man protrayed as General "Betrayus' by BO and his cabal of thugs just three years ago -- the same General Patraeus that....

.....that now Secretary of State (then Senator) said in Senate hearings, "The reports that you provide to us really require the willing suspension of disbelief."

The same General Patraeus about whom Senate Majority Leader Dingy Harry said: "He's made a number of statements over the years that have not proven to be factual."

This must be some other guy..................!!! I mean, after all, we are dealing with people of high integrity and fine moral character here.......!!!

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