Sunday, June 6, 2010

Et Tu, Obamus??

True colors (and a little back stabbing) show up in Florida senate race,

With Dem party nominee Kendrick Meek trailing in the polls, BO's recent Senior Advisor Anita Dunn and her company of Democratic political strategy and communications firm, SKDKnickerbocker --- have abandoned Meek and signed on with Charlie Crist, former Republican and all of a sudden, Independent in his race for the Florida Senate seat.

While some Democrats deny that the 'White House' okayed this action - it was pointed out that the SKDK firm wouldn't have signed on with Crist "unless it was okay at the highest levels"

One can only hope that BO's dropping of support for the Black, Rep Meek, and backing Christ -- will help Crist every bit as much as it helped Specter, Corzine and the other losers of recent elections.... One can only hope.

How these phonies (and I am not limiting myself to Dems) sleep at night is beyond me!! (again paraphrasing) "Have they no shame?"

For more click on link below....

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