Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A candle in the darkeness......

Every now and then, a column just shouts so loud and and is so on target you just have to share it with anybody who cares.. Thomas Sowell's column this week is one of those items.

More than a call to action - it's a an alarm clock designed to wake the slumbering American. He points out that those of us who are lulled by Obamanation's falling approval numbers, are ignoring the basic changes being engendered in the meantime.

Like you, I questioned where the hell the POTUS had the authority to extort $20 Billion from BP this week, but also like you, every time I voiced that opinion, I would be shouted down as a defender of the 'evil oil companies'. Folks seem to forget that this is a country of the rule of law, not the rule of the POTUS!!

Here, please read it for yourself..... and tell a friend.... lest our children wake up one morning in a country we couldn't recognize......

Thomas Sowell : Degeneration of Democracy - Townhall.com

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