There have been a million words written about the pros and cons of granting Amnesty to illegal aliens in this country. Some are well thought out words, others are pure political hyperbole! For anybody who cares, here is my take on the topic and I'll even offer a solution.
First of all, let's make sure we agree on what we mean by amnesty:
Amnesty legal definition
A pardon for past criminal offenses for a class or group of individuals who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted. Amnesty may be limited or conditional. For example, amnesty may be offered only to those who perform a certain act, such as community service, within a specific period of time. Also referred to as grant of amnesty.
('Webster\'s New World Law Dictionary Copyright © 2010)
Now then, in my retired military mind, there is no guarantee of what will happen in an act of amnesty -- only what won't happen. No Trial or punishment for the illegal act.
Thus, if amnesty were granted to those illegal aliens in this country (under certain conditions), that act of amnesty does not promise or guarantee any follow up privileges - like permanent resident status, or eventual citizenship. Again, all it promises is no arrest, trial and punishment if apprehended.
What do I propose? Glad you asked.....
First and foremost, since guarding our borders and immigration are Federal responsibilities, I would leave it in their hands:
1. Declare a 180 day period of 'Amnesty' for any illegal alien in this country to go to the nearest US Post Office or Federal Courthouse and register, giving full name, age, residence, place of employment, and list the name and age and location of any underage dependents. After the Federal Government had thirty days to investigate for any criminal or illegal activity, each registrant would be issued a hologram protected, photo ID granting two, four or six year visitor status. Such temporary status would be renewed absent any criminal or other unseemly behavior during the period of the temporary status.
First sixty day registrants get six years, second sixty day registrants get four years, and third sixty day registrants get two years. This would encourage early registration as well as stagger the eventual re-registration loads.
2. In addition to providing the above information, each registrant would be required to sign a statement acknowledging that Temporary Visitor status does NOT include, Social Security rights, medical care or other benefits available to permanent residents and citizens. Each registrant would be assigned a Tax ID Number for paying federal taxes, not a SSAN.
Further, they would acknowledge that this status does not put them on any 'fast track' to obtain citizenship, they must return to their homeland or apply through their Nation's embassy or consulate here in the US for permanent immigration status in the same line as all others seeking such status.
3. Effective on Day 181, any illegal immigrant without such a temporary visitor identification card, would be summarily jailed and deported forthwith..... no hearings required.
4. On Day #1 of this program, our Borders would be shut down, sealed, completely, with all armed force necessary - to ensure no further illegal aliens enter the country.
5. Also from Day #1 of this program, every single Federal law currently on the books regarding employer hiring of illegals would be enforced to the letter!!
How much would all this cost? It would be damned expensive! But not nearly as much as the current cost of supporting all these illegals each year. Politicians hide behind numbers like six million or maybe even ten million illegals in the country. The experts with no reason to hide behind federal incompetence settle more on the Twenty to Twenty-two Million number..
Ye gads! That's 7% of the population of the US, or one out of every 13 folks strolling down main street! We are either a Nation (with a capital N) or we ain't Pilgrims..... we can't have it both ways!!
What do you think?
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