Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tired of all the whining?

I don't know about you folks, but I damned sure am!

I'm tired of the self entitled 'victims' blaming any and all for their lack of success! I'm tired of the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons and others who encourage such 'victimness'.

George Will has an outstanding column this week in which he describes and praises a American hero, born of Japanese immigrant parents, who has every right to hate this country for what it did to his parents during WWII, and how he was treated in his youth.

I won't repeat the column, but I sure recommend it, link it and hope you'll take a minute. We are surrounded by 5th & 6th generation native born Americans who still spend their days whining about all that is owed to them...... and try to rationalize their lack of success. Encouraged of course, by the extortionist, freeloaders who call themselves 'Protectors' of the downtrodden........ Humbug! Reverse racism, just like that feller in Washington is trying to ply right now!!!

I guess if you wake up everyday to your Mom, your teacher, your preacher, your peers and the Limousine Liberals telling you a loser and a failure ---- you end up playing the role!

George Will : In Praise of Cheerful Men -

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