Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tired of Health Care Talk???

So am I, but on this Obamathon Sunday, I feel almost obligated to balance the discussion with the name of Dontae Adams.

Now that 'O' has given Michelle a flag to carry in this battle 'for the little people', folks are going back to take another look at her role at the Chicago Medical Center just two years ago when she helped design the (ill named) "Urban Health Initiative". A plan to outsource low-income patients to other hospitals and save CMC the expense of providing health care to these poorer folks who might take up beds from the wealthy ones.

"Outsource", of course being a codeword for 'dump on other hospitals and emergency care givers!!

It was so devious, and in your face, considering CDC was enjoying tax free status and tax breaks for providing charity care......

The stuff hit the fan when the case of Dontae Adams hit the headlines.....
"In February 2009, outrage in the Obamas’ community exploded after a young boy covered by Medicaid was turned away from the University of Chicago Medical Center in August, 2008. Dontae Adams’ mother, Angela, had sought emergency treatment for him after a pit bull tore off his upper lip. Mrs. Obama’s hospital gave the boy a tetanus shot, antibiotics, and Tylenol and shoved him out the door. The mother and son took an hour-long bus ride to another hospital for surgery."

Oh, and by the way, back when the CDC ran into publicity problems, Mrs O referred them to some spin doctor feller named David Axelrod to help 'rebrand' the program...... She was working hand in hand with some gal named Valarie Jarrett at the time.

I won't steer you Pilgrims, just Google, 'Dontae Adams' for yourself. and as an aside, remember some of this was during the same general period that her husband was an Illinois state senator and although he voted 'present' most of the time, he manage to vote for 'shelving' babies that survived aborting, until they died a 'natural' death. Apparently, it was important enough -- to do more that vote 'present'!

Our health care is in good hands????????? Be afwaid, vewy vewy afwaid!!!

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