FDA Blasts General Mills Over Cheerios Claim
Cereal Makers Scolded Because Claim Of Lowering Cholesterol 10 Percent In Month Makes It A "Drug"
Company Fires Back: This Is About Language, Not Science
The Food and Drug Administration scolded the makers of Cheerios about the way they promote the cereal's health benefits. The FDA sent a letter of warning to General Mills accusing them of making unauthorized health claims.
Current boxes of Cheerios are touting what the company calls exciting news -- the cereal's ability to help lower cholesterol 10 percent in one month.

"My mother actually eats it every day, seven days a week for breakfast to lower her cholesterol," Staten Island resident Lauren Schwam said.
According to a letter from the FDA General Mills' advertising violates the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The agency said claims that Cheerios ingredients can lower cholesterol within a certain amount of time, all while providing cancer-fighting and heart-healthy benefits, essentially makes Cheerios "a drug" by their definition. And no drug in this country can be legally marketed without an approved new drug application.
As a certified dietetic nutritionist, Keri Glassman often recommends foods high in soluble fiber for patients looking to lower their cholesterol.
"Because of the oats, because of the soluble fiber in Cheerios, it may help you reduce cholesterol and I think the FDA is still acknowledging that ... I just think they are saying but you can't really say that because you are a food product, not a drug," Glassman said.
Well shucks Pilgrims, all I can say is Thank God and Praise Be that we have Obamanation in the White House. Some lesser mortal might be concerned with the $3.4 Trillion budget, or the fact that we are borrowing 50¢ of every dollar we spend this year -- or that we are losing jobs, manufacturing companies and banking institutions by the herds --- but our TOTUS tells our POTUS to worry about one of our healthier breakfast cereals....
Never heard him or his FDA comment on all those sugar coated, chocolate and marshmallow breakfast cereals................. have you?
Tell what Partners, you better not be tearing those tags off your mattresses, your new socialist gob'mint is gonna be coming around checking!~~~
for the rest of the copy and the video, go to:
1 comment:
You mean Lucky charms aren't really "magically delicious" ?!
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